You understand that Schwab does not verify or confirm such valuations and makes no representations that the values are reasonable, are accurate, or reflect your actual holdings. If you are receiving interest from Schwab under the Schwab OneInterest feature, you agree that the Free Credit Balance in your Account is maintained for purposes of making investments, and not solely for the purpose of receiving such interest. Schwab's deadline for receiving customer orders to place with a mutual fund for execution at the price next calculated by the fund may be earlier than the deadline set by the fund in its prospectus. By signing an arbitration agreement, the parties agree as follows: No person shall bring a putative or certified class action to arbitration, nor seek to enforce any predispute arbitration agreement against any person who has initiated in court a putative class action; or who is a member of a putative class who has not opted out of the class with respect to any claims encompassed by the putative class action until: Such forbearance to enforce an agreement to arbitrate shall not constitute a waiver of any rights under this Agreement except to the extent stated herein. If, on any given day, the interest that Schwab calculates for your Account in accordance with the foregoing is less than $0.005, you will not earn any interest on that day. Schwab has no responsibility for your advisor's handling of checks, including but not limited to (i)the security or safekeeping of checks, (ii)your advisor's creation of electronic images of checks, (iii)the forwarding or transmission of checks or check images to us, and (iv)any ambiguity, inaccuracy or omission in any check-related information provided to us. You may not combine funds from eligible cash distributions with any funds you deposit into your Account to make automatic reinvestment purchases. Schwab is not obligated to notify you of any upcoming expiration or redemption dates or to take any other action on your behalf without specific instructions from you. We are not responsible for, and you agree not to hold us liable for, lost profits, trading losses or other damages resulting from inaccurate, defective or unavailable market data. According to our sole discretion and judgment. Your advisor may forward the physical check to us or transmit images of the check and other data to us electronically. Pursuant to government regulations, we may be unable to send a wire transfer you requested to certain individuals or countries, or to individuals who are citizens of those countries. You acknowledge that Schwab is not responsible for notifying you of any upgrades, fixes or enhancements to any such software or for any compromise of data transmitted across computer networks or telecommunications facilities, including, but not limited to, the Internet. You acknowledge that you have an affirmative duty to promptly review any and all trade confirmations and account statements for accuracy and completeness and to immediately notify us of any items you believe to be in error. Attn: Document Control In covering a short position, we can at our discretion purchase securities for your account either on a normal settlement basis, next-day or a cash settlement basis. You agree to use this credit primarily for business and investment purposes. Additionally, while Schwab makes available research, analysis, news and other information prepared by third parties, this also does not constitute an individualized recommendation by Schwab (or any third party) or a solicitation of any offer to buy or sell securities by Schwab (or any third party). Get started by choosing your country/region of residence. We have no control over the intermediary or receiving bank's fee structure. If the value of your securities and other assets falls, you may be required to deposit more assets (a "margin call") to secure your loan or your securities, and other assets may be sold to pay down or pay off your loan without prior notice and at a loss or at lower prices than under other circumstances. You will not transmit securities trade orders to Schwab using electronic communications except through those electronic features designated by Schwab for the express purpose of placing trade orders. You agree to carefully consider your own financial condition, tolerance for risk and investment objectives, as well as market conditions, before you decide to use margin credit or short account features. You agree not to enter an order in your Margin and Short Account until you have read and understood the Disclosure of Credit Terms and Policies. Financial InformationSchwab's Electronic Services make available certain financial market data, quotes, news, research and opinions (including Research Reports, as defined below) or other financial information (collectively, "Information") that has been independently obtained by certain financial market information services, financial publishers, various securities markets including stock exchanges and their affiliates, investment bankers and other providers (collectively, the "Information Providers") or has been obtained by Schwab. Unless we otherwise agree with you in writing, Schwab will act only as your broker-dealer and not as an investment advisor ("Investment Advisor"); and your Account will be a brokerage account and not an investment advisory account governed by the Investment Advisers Act of 1940; Unless we otherwise agree with you in writing, Schwab will not provide financial planning services to you or your Account, and any collection of your financial data by Schwab, or analysis or evaluation of such data by Schwab, will be in furtherance of our broker-dealer activities such as recommending investments for your Account and not in connection with establishing or implementing a financial plan; You, or you and an Investment Advisor other than Schwab, if you have one, are responsible for determining the nature, potential value of any particular investment strategy, transaction (including futures transactions) or security (including equities and options). If we are unable to obtain shares to lend to you, you will not be permitted to transfer the short position to your Schwab Account. A clearly erroneous trade occurs when someone has entered an order with an obvious error in any term, such as security identification, price, or number of shares. Contact the Dedicated PCRA Call Center at1-888-393-PCRA (7272)if you are a PCRA account holder with questions about applicable provisions and amendments. If you place an order to buy or sell a specific dollar amount of a mutual fund, Schwab will calculate the number of shares bought or sold by dividing the dollar amount of the order by the price and rounding to the nearest three decimal places. While Schwab will make a good faith effort to identify and consider on its own the Accounts of Your Household in order to calculate any potentially applicable fee waivers, you acknowledge and agree that Schwab is not responsible for any claimed error in making Household Calculations if you fail to contact Schwab with concerns or questions about how Schwab is making Household Calculations. We can transfer Securities and Other Property from any non-retirement brokerage account in which you have an interest to any other non-retirement brokerage account in which you have an interest, regardless of whether there are other account holders on either account, if we determine that your obligations are not adequately secured or to satisfy a margin deficiency or other obligation. We reserve the right to redeposit any checks that are returned unpaid the first time due to insufficient funds, or any other reason, with or without prior customer notification. Email. A long position held overnight and sold prior to any new purchase of the same security, or. You may opt out of future emails about products or services by following instructions in our privacy policy, on our website, or contained in an email that you receive from us. Deposit accounts at the banks held in your Account are not eligible for SIPC insurance. If you provide incorrect information, you could lose the amount transferred. All transactions in the Margin and Short Account are subject to our Disclosure of Credit Terms and Policies. You agree to be bound by any wire instruction, whether or not authorized, that is issued in your name and accepted by us in compliance with the security procedure. 2. This obligation will survive the termination of this Agreement. Your notice to us will not affect any obligations resulting from transactions initiated prior to our receipt of the notice. If there are other holders of Accounts of Your Household, you understand and acknowledge that Schwab may use general information about your Household Balance and activities to provide or explain Household Calculations or Services available to you and those other holders of Accounts of Your Household. Schwab can also charge a transaction fee for certain mutual fund transactions; you would not incur this fee if you purchased shares directly from a fund company. Deposit and lending products and services are offered by Charles Schwab Bank, SSB, Member FDIC and an Equal Housing Lender. If you wish to combine communications for additional eligible accounts that are not automatically combined, please contact Schwab. A TCP is a source of information for Schwab and is not a power of attorney. In addition, the Custodian acknowledges that Schwab may restrict the Custodian's access to the Account upon termination of the custodianship. Equity securities selling for $5 or less and odd lots usually may not be sold short. Schwab may allocate payments in lieu of interest, dividends, or other payments by any mechanism permitted by law. If the Electronic Services are unavailable or delayed at any time, you agree to use alternative means to place your orders, such as calling a Schwab representative or visiting one of our branch offices. Some of your collateral is or becomes restricted or non-negotiable or non-marginable. If the Account is a retirement plan brokerage custodial account (including a Company Retirement Account [CRA] or Personal Choice Retirement Account[PCRA]) subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Non-Publicly Traded Security may be distributed upon direction of the Trustee or other applicable fiduciary or agent of the plan to the participant in whose Account the Non-Publicly Traded Security is invested, or to the extent not practicable, transferred to the Trustee or other applicable fiduciary or agent to hold the Non-Publicly Traded Security on behalf of the plan. You agree that Schwab can liquidate securities held in your account to cover such fees or other indebtedness in the event that there are no available funds in your account. You also acknowledge that when you direct Schwab to wire or transfer funds to an issuer or sponsor of a Non-Publicly Traded Security, Schwab will not have any responsibility or liability if the issuer or sponsor involved does not provide the required receipt or confirmation of the investment in a manner that would allow Schwab to hold the security in your Account. As a brokerage firm, Charles Schwab offers a multitude of investment accounts, but it is also an online. Make yourself at home. However, Schwab may choose, at its own discretion, to participate in a third-party dividend reinvestment program. ET on the prior trading day, but will not be eligible for execution until the session officially opens at 7:00 a.m. You agree that Schwab will retain as compensation for services your Account's proportionate share of any interest earned on aggregate cash balances held in Schwab's bank account with respect to (1)assets awaiting investment or (2)assets pending distribution from your Account. You acknowledge that if you do not cancel an open GTC order, the transaction may be completed based on your original instructions. You agree that short sale transactions are subject to certain regulatory rules and cannot be executed under certain market conditions. When Schwab receives a request for a distribution from your Account, Schwab generally processes the request within two or three Business Days (unless the distribution is in connection with an unusual event such as death or divorce, in which case it generally will take longer to process the request). We may elect anytime, with or without notice, to make any debit balance or other obligation related to your account immediately due and payable. Alternatively, you authorize us, at our discretion, to charge such fees to a credit card account number that you have provided to us for this purpose. From time to time, Schwab and/or a Research Provider may be unable to provide Research Reports with respect to certain companies with which Schwab and/or a Research Provider, or their respective affiliates, have certain business relationships. The maximum amount we currently may loan for common stock (equity) securities is 50% of the value of marginable securities purchased in your Margin and Short Account; different requirements apply to non-equity securities, such as bonds or options. By enrolling in a Service or otherwise using a Service and not discontinuing your enrollment in that Service, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions or supplemental agreement ("Terms of Service") applicable to such Service, in addition to this Account Agreement. Attempting to cancel and replace or change a market order through the Electronic Services can result in the execution of duplicate orders, which ultimately are your responsibility. You agree not to hold Schwab responsible for market fluctuations that may occur to the market price or settlement of your securities while your transaction is processed. Personal property includes assets in customer accounts (including your Schwab Account) as well as uncashed dividend checks and other Schwab checks payable to customers. Timing of purchases is subject to our discretion. Select your country/region of residence from the list below. Investments in the SchwabSweep Money Funds are subject to restrictions described in the applicable SchwabSweep Money Fund's prospectus. Fail to receive an accurate written confirmation of an order or its execution. No change or cancellation of market orders will be accepted through the Electronic Services. Schwab has sole discretion to change when and how often sweeps occur upon advance written notice to you. We obtain market data from securities exchanges and markets and from third parties that transmit market data (collectively referred to in this section as "the market data providers"). Amendments will not affect rights or obligations either of us incur before the effective date of the amendment. 3. Cancelled or invalid securities may include, but are not limited to, bankruptcy or charter or registration revocation. Schwab processes your requests to change or cancel an order on a best-efforts basis only and will not be liable to you if Schwab is unable to change or cancel your order. This includes services and information accessible through Schwab, or service providers used by Schwab, including, but not limited to: Services ProvidedSchwab's Electronic Services allow you to enter orders to buy and sell certain securities, stock options and mutual funds within your Schwab Account, and to access securities price quotations, investing information and your personal account information. If you are a new customer and the error or question concerns a Schwab MoneyLinkElectronic Fund Transfer that occurred within 30 days after the first deposit to your Schwab Account was made, we will tell you the results of our investigation within 20 Business Days after we hear from you. Find a Schwab branch near you by selecting the state, city, or zip code. Schwab will pay interest on remittances by check beginning on the first or second Business Day after the check is deposited, depending on the location of your bank. Otherwise shown an interest in your account. In no event will Schwab be liable for any costs, damages, expenses or any other liabilities incurred by you as a result of such activities by Schwab; You will not use any electronic communication feature of the Electronic Services for any purpose that is unlawful, abusive, harassing, libelous, defamatory, obscene or threatening. You shall not permit any customer or client to take physical possession of "your equipment" (i.e., the equipment that you use to receive, display or otherwise use quotes). There is no warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the market data. As a result, you may receive an inferior price when engaging in extended hours trading than you would during regular trading hours. Accordingly, you may receive an inferior price in one extended hours trading system than you would in another extended hours trading system. If we lend you securities, you can be required to pay us a fee for as long as you maintain the short position. We may treat payment orders we receive after a cutoff time as if received the next Business Day. You further agree not to remove the overpayment of funds or securities or the uncollected fee from the account, or to return the entire overpayment or uncollected fee to Schwab if it has already been removed from your account. The notice will describe the new terms and conditions of the Cash Features Program, your new Cash Feature, and the options available to you if you do not wish to accept the new Cash Feature. You are responsible for the confidentiality and use of your access number, password and account number, and for all securities and other transactions initiated through these means. You must maintain a minimum amount of equity in your account to collateralize your outstanding loans and other obligations. Schwab does not have any obligation to advance redemption proceeds and distributions related to mutual fund shares to your account before we have received them from the mutual fund. All prices are subject to change without prior notice. Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.All rights reserved. You may not use your account or any account-related service to process gambling transactions, or to conduct any other activity, that would violate applicable law. Details of the schedule are available by logging in to your Schwab Account, calling us or stopping by a branch. If you wish to transfer short positions from another firm, we will attempt to lend you securities to cover your transaction at the other firm. This Electronic Services Agreement amends your brokerage account agreement(s) and replaces any prior agreement between you and Schwab regarding your use of the Electronic Services. Day Trading is buying and selling the same security on the same day, excluding: Day Traders are subject to a number of strict requirements. It describes the terms under which we extend credit and charge interest and how your obligations are secured by property in your Schwab Account. These sessions are completely independent from the regular market session. A small number of corporate bonds are listed on national exchanges. Learn more You further acknowledge that, unless notified in writing by confirmation or similar document, Schwab has not acted and will not act as broker or dealer in any purchase or sale of Non-Publicly Traded Securities held in your Account. You may contact the FINRA public hotline at1-800-289-9999or on the Internet The services may require you to use a number or password to access your Schwab Account. Similarly, important financial information is frequently announced outside of regular trading hours. Find a Schwab branch near you by selecting the state, city, or zip code. We may take such actions on whatever exchange or market and in whatever manner (including public auction or private sale) that we choose in the exercise of our business judgment. Upon receiving a payment order from you by the applicable cutoff time, we will act on the payment order by transmitting payment instructions to the applicable bank. Governments, foreign stock exchanges, markets and/or individual securities may impose specific restrictions that prohibit or limit trading by individuals or entities. If you have an account for which you are acting in a fiduciary capacity, it is your responsibility to consider whether it is appropriate for envelopes to be mailed to you that might contain material relating to both your personal and fiduciary capacities. We are authorized to follow the instructions of any joint account holder and to deliver funds, securities or other assets in the Schwab Account to any account holder or upon any account holder's instructions. We will appoint an independent bank or broker-dealer, other than Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., to act as buying agent for automatic reinvestment of eligible cash distributions in SCHW stock. It is solely your responsibility to ensure that you will, at all times, comply with all applicable laws, obligations and restrictions in each of the jurisdictions in which you purchase and sell securities. Increases in the market value will increase your daily adjusted debit balance (on which interest is charged) by the same amount, while decreases in the market value will decrease your daily adjusted debit balance by the same amount. If we decide that there was no error, we will send you a written explanation. Whether or not you are assigned to an IBL, you may request service at an IBL branch just like any other branch (for example, if you are traveling). We can choose which Securities or Other Property to buy or sell, which transactions to close, and the sequence and timing of liquidation. You agree to pay all costs (including attorneys' fees), if any, incurred by Schwab in collecting overdue fees from you. You understand and agree that it will also include the ability of your advisor to move money from your Account to other accounts on which you are a named account holder, whether at Schwab or at other financial institutions (known as "first party" money movement). If you think your statement is wrong or if you need more information about a transfer listed on the statement, call or write to us as soon as you can: Write: In no event will we be liable for any special, indirect, or consequential damages (even if we have been informed of the possibility of such damages), including, without limitation, loss of profits or revenue, except as may be required by applicable law. During periods of heavy trading and/or wide price fluctuations ("Fast Markets"), there may be delays in executing your order or providing trade status reports to you. Disclaimer of WarrantiesThere is no warranty of merchantability, no warranty of fitness for a particular use and no warranty of noninfringement. Schwab processes your request to change or cancel an order on a best-efforts basis only and will not be liable to you if Schwab is unable to change or cancel your order. 2023 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. The spread refers to the difference in price between what you can buy a security for and what you can sell it for. Note: Clients residing in the EU are not eligible for margin. A TCP is not authorized to make investment decisions or withdraw funds from your account. We will tell you the results within three Business Days after completing our investigation. Additional information about Schwab's financial relationships with mutual funds and exchange-traded products is available Risk of News Announcements. If your daily adjusted debit balance is reduced because you deposit a check or other item that is later returned to us unpaid, we may adjust your account to reflect interest charges you have incurred. Just to reiterate, you likely broker the Pattern Day Trader rule which prevents those whose accounts are less then 25K from placing more than 3 round trip trades (day trades) in a 5 day period. Schwab may assign calling teams and specific phone numbers to support certain client groups based on certain factors, which may include asset levels and trading history. You authorize us to act as your agent to make deposits to and withdrawals from deposit accounts at one or more banks or purchase and sell shares in a SchwabSweep Money Fund in accordance with the Cash Features Disclosure Statement. Schwab is not liable to you for any losses, lost opportunities or increased commissions that may result from you being unable to place orders for these stocks through the Electronic Services. If you do not respond within the specified time period, you agree that Schwab may treat your non-response as your acceptance of the new Cash Feature. No Liability for Events Outside of Entities' Direct ControlSchwab, the Information Providers, Information Transmitters, Third-Party Research Providers and any other person involved in transmitting Information will not be liable for any loss that results from a cause over which that entity does not have direct control. If, on any given day, the accrued daily dividend for your SchwabSweep Money Fund as calculated for your Account is less than half of one cent ($0.005), your shares will not earn a dividend for that day. Note: This section does not apply to any tax qualified accounts subject to the prohibited transaction rules of the Internal Revenue Code or ERISA, or any indebtedness arising therefrom. In addition, if you write an uncovered call option contract and are allocated an exercise of the option, you may be required to borrow shares in order to satisfy the delivery requirement of the option contract. Schwab will not be liable to you if you are unable to access your account information or request a transaction through the Electronic Services. With the ongoing integration of TD Ameritrade, scheduled. You agree and acknowledge that Schwab will earn interest beginning on the date your Account is debited and ending on the date the check is presented for payment, the timing of which is beyond the control of Schwab. However, we reserve the right to take any such action without prior notice or demand for additional collateral, and free of any right of redemption. Such notice will not affect any obligations resulting from transactions initiated prior to our receipt of the notice. Fractional Shares present unique risks and have certain limitations. This site is designed for U.S. residents. If you request that Schwab automatically send dividends, interest, or other payments directly to you, and the Account has a SchwabSweep Money Fund as a Cash Feature, net payments will not accrue interest between the time they are credited to the Account and the time they are disbursed to you. The Schwab StockBuilder Planis not affiliated with any reinvestment plan offered by any other entity.