Jade brings up the Kickback, a Saturday night party at Hollywood Arts. Cat thinks hammers are called nail bangers. This breaks Cat's heart and she sits in the Black Box Theater and wishes to not be comforted by Tori and wants to be alone. In Robbie's song, Robbie's Big Toe, and on a few other occasions throughout the series, she is said to be bipolar. Trina calls the doctor, and Cat calls the glue company. She accidentally hits herself against a stall, and is knocked out. Tori quickly changes the channel. It is often used to communicate disapproval or dissatisfaction with their situation. Earlier in 2020, Victorious celebrated its 10th anniversary. After that incident, Robbie grabs Cat's hand and pulls her out of Mamaw's apartment. (2008Present: Best Friend and Classmate), Cat and Jade had a very good relationship in Victorious. Cat also tried to save Robbie from the tuna, but she passed out after her head hit the tank. In The Hambone King, Cat is obsessed with practicing tap dancing as she prepares for a musical audition. Cat Valentine: Cat is so aloof because she is suffering through emotional, sexual, and potentially physical abuse from her brother (who has been referred to in the show as "crazy,") She is on anti-depressants which make her so perky, and her brothers abuse has caused her to revert back to a childlike state to help cope with what she's facing. She is a continued character from Victorious. After Cat's parents left for a while to tend to her brother in Idaho, Cat, at the suggestion of her friend Jade West, decided to settle with her Nona because she refused to stay with her mean aunt and uncle. Cat has never said it is a natural color, and she didn't protest when Sikowitz called her "synthetically red-headed" (. They feel bad and try to stop her, but Andr's cousin exposes him as a cheater. They challenge Cat and Jade to a sing-off. Hypertension. Either way its pretty funny and i . Lane tries to straighten things out, and after Tori shows them the rules for joining sports teams from TheSlap, she gets her chance to try out. Cat: Excuse me, excuse me. Beck and Jade come by and learn of Tori and Daniel's past and that he is now dating Cat Valentine. she's hyperventilating, sobbing, panicking. Cat Valentine teams up with her roommate, Sam Puckett, in #Pilot and becomes a babysitter with her to fund for their crazy adventures. In Wi-Fi in the Sky, Robbie was the first one she told her joke to, even though she could've chosen to tell someone else. When Jason mentions he'll be going to the Moxi to see a movie with his friends, Cat breaks character voluntarily in order to go with him. She doesn't know how to make microwave popcorn but she does know to use a microwave. The blood seeped into her hair and stained it red. They convert a one-act play Beck wrote into the script for the movie. "Ding dong!" Cats are often stereotyped as being aloof creatures, but that generalization has been proven to be far from the truth. Cat is most likely afflicted with a mental illness. Afterwards, various students ask Cat and Robbie to sing bad news songs to people to deliver bad news without making them too sad. Ariana Grande criticized girls on TikTok who do impressions of her by "doing the cat valentine voice and wearing winged eyeliner and a . They end up sneaking out to go get the tacos, but they are constantly almost spotted by Mr. Dickers. She can be very sensitive and her feelings are easily hurt, especially when yelling is involved. Also, on TheSlap, Cat posted pictures of Trina even though Trina told her not to. He keeps taping random things such as an apple and a box of tissues, and he keeps scratching himself, which his doctor says he's not supposed to do. Sikowitz points out that Robbie has no plans. Spend time playing outside. Jade finds this incredibly amusing and tries to make things awkward for Tori. With the video now in color, Cat, aka Dorothy, wakes up. Cat is usually very child-like and friendly, with bouts of energy, and is shown to be a very good guitar player. However, Tori surprises everyone (apart from Cat and Jade, who know about the plan), especially Hayley and Tara, by taking off her ugly girl disguise and revealing her true self, including her song Freak the Freak Out. To be clear, not everyone is on the Cat-bashing train. Cat is about to tell him to the truth, but Jade, Robbie, and Beck subtly convince her against it. You just gotta have enough money! Ariana Grande Exclusive Interview - August 3, 2012, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. The audience loved Tori more than Hayley and Tara, so they were forced to take care of Trina. Cat in A Film by Dale Squires, showing off a bit of her personality. In Victori-Yes, Cat buys a ton of Pajelehochos that she orders online. Her hair is naturally brown. She is Jade and Tori 's best friend and Robbie 's love interest. (2011: Acquaintance) Other boys she has dated and/or flirted with include Dusty (mentioned on TheSlap), Daniel (Cat's New Boyfriend), Tug (Prom Wrecker), Sinjin (Robarazzi), Gibby from iCarly (iParty with Victorious), Jason Sikowitz (Sleepover at Sikowitz's), and Evan Smith (The Blonde Squad). Throughout the series, they fail to do so multiple times, although in fairness, Cat doesn't make it easy. Ariana Grande starred in a spin-off series along with iCarly's Jennette McCurdy called Sam & Cat. Ironically, the name Auriana would seem taken from the actress who plays Cat, Ariana Grande. I only partially agree with that. She thinks the word stupid is street talk for good. They are also confronted by a crazed clown before driving off in the car. TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY September 19, 2023 National Today. In Tori the Zombie, Cat asks Tori to let her turn her face into a terrifying monster so that she will not fail her makeup class. However, the reason behind Cats quirkiness seems to have been revealed in a video on TheSlap.com, a website where fans got to see extra bits and pieces such as behind-the-scenes videos from the show. Her catchphrase is "What's that supposed to mean!?" 4. Cat became manipulative and was able to convince Sam to get more money in the ATM in. ", "As we grow up we become more and more jaded and fearful of how we come across," Ariana noted. At first, the gang thinks it's no big deal, since Cat was only going to the restroom, and they think she will come back very soon and let them out. Cat decides to call Freddie on Sam's phone to make Sam jealous since Jade and Sam are now best friends. In One Thousand Berry Balls Cat refuses to go to the Cow Wow with Robbie and ends up going with Sinjin. They were also seen dancing very closely to one another (with almost exactly the same choreography) while singing. (To see the "Sky Store" known products, see Sky Store.) Robbie helps her sell her C batteries and in the end, Cat ends up getting Tori and the gang a ride to school when she finds a coupon for 90% off a party bus ride (it cost $20 instead of $200). This is later on supported when Cat says, "Robbie, I thought you and me had something really special," and calls him her "kind-of boyfriend." Cat is shown to be a loving and caring person but is also known for regularly becoming distracted, not taking criticism well and generally seeming a little dim-witted. In Sleepover at Sikowitz's, Cat automatically gets a boy's attention to go on a date with her. Cat has a talent for knowing people's exact clothing and limb measurements. Whoever breaks character before the next morning is immediately eliminated from the party and is banished from his house forever. Cat can tap dance very well, according to. It reminds me of my closet where I used to hide from my brother. At the end of The Breakfast Bunch, Robbie and Cat are seen flirting with each other, and Cat gives Robbie her gum at the end. As shown in Car, Rain & Fire, Cat is aware of how cute she is and is not above using that to get Tori and Jade to spoil her. Tori admits that what she did was wrong, and that she didn't do it because she had feelings for Danny but rather because she felt jealous that he and Cat seemed so happy compared to how the two of them had been a year ago. However, at the end of the episode, Oliver and Cat are seen hiding behind a dumpster eating bibble. Cat ends up flirting with him and they both share a nice Spanish conversation before they spend the whole day together. First of all, you should understand that Cat Valentine is just. In Crazy Ponnie, Cat accidentally waxes Jade's eyebrows off during an evening where they are hanging out, so Jade runs around trying to get back at Cat. For example, being stopped by the police and getting yelled at by Tori. Cat has an innocent character, although she can sometimes take things a little too literal so you'd have to be very patient and clear with her. In Wi-Fi in the Sky, after learning that her flight from San Diego to Los Angeles won't get back to L.A. until 11:14 PM, Tori opens a video chat with Andr (who is staying at his grandmother's house because of her fear of the changing numbers on her digital clock) and asks if they should work on their script project via video chat. They also talk about their parents and question whether or not they will end up like them someday. While Cat is very friendly, her sensitivity, energy, and unusual thought processes make her somewhat difficult to be around without getting annoyed. Also, Robbie has problems with Rex, and Cat suggests Robbie should talk to Lane about his problems. What's her number?" They bet Hayley and Tara that anyone in the place could impress the audience more, so Hayley and Tara picks a hideous girl named Louise Nordoff to compete against (who is actually Tori in disguise), thinking that this "Ugly Betty" will lose easily. The character has gone from being an air-headed girl to being mentally retarded. She rides the bunny and Cat proves surprisingly adept at the eponymous club, completing the Balls of Pain without getting a scratch. The hashtag "arianawannabe" has more than 3 million views on TikTok. Tori doesn't believe them and insists on joining the team. In Who Did It to Trina?, Tori directs a play and is forced to cast Trina as the major lead (because Trina took her doll and told her she would only give it back if she could be the lead). Though he truly seems to care about all of his students. He constantly shows up late, and ignores everyone, simply playing with his laptop, snacking, and chatting on his phone. Through an app on Robbie's PearPad, Cat is randomly chosen to pick the theme for the float. When she found out the guy was taping her, she got mad and walked away. Cat has shown numerous times to be a good cook from things like meatballs, sloppy waffles, brownies, and blue dog soda. She is portrayed by Ariana Grande. She doesn't like cotton candy stuck to her face. He is very nice to her and takes up for her if the others don't seem to want to. In The Birthweek Song, she goes with Robbie to his grandma's house. Science Will Explain. In Seasons 2 and 3, Cat's hair became a bit darker and longer than it had been in Season 1. Also on TheSlap, she created a video and a blog chronicling how she tricks cute boys into being interviewed (the first named Martin played by Jordan Andrusky, the second named Jesse played by Aldo Quintino) by inviting them over to a "party" at her house. Later on, Cat, and Jade try to help get Sikowitz a new girlfriend by auditioning in a little scene. She is happy-go-lucky, very bubbly, and lost in her own mind at times. The characters dim-wittedness grew even more irritating on the spin-off Sam & Cat, leading viewers to question the writers motives. In Andr's Horrible Girl, Cat calls Robbie over to fix the window and the guitar in her mom's boss' house and Beck comes, too. They ask Mr. Dickers what's for lunch, and he says that he has a plate of tuna. Cat: Because old people love little kids. Her passion and genuine excitement for the little things that most people dread like school projects and work," Ariana added. Personality Cat is an extremely sweet and caring girl with her head in the clouds. Cat asks why they didn't open the door, and Beck begins to explain when they all realize that the van that blocked them had left without them knowing it. She is fun and energetic and sometimes oblivious. This causes them to get a bad score, and they get voted "The Worst Couple". Cat: Hey! Don't you wanna be happy? In Andr's Horrible Girl, Jade has no one to hang out with due to her and Beck's break-up, she invites herself to join Cat, who is dog-sitting for her mom's wealthy boss. She and Cat take a frozen pizza from the Vega residence and disguise Trina as a pizza delivery girl. Fans of Ariana Grande can now revisit the pop stars early days in Hollywood thanks to Netflixs acquisition of the 2010-2013 Nickelodeon series Victorious. Tori eventually doesn't have a choice and has to start the play with the mask on. Catarina "Cat" Valentine[3] is one of the eight main characters on Victorious. In Helen Back Again, Cat auditions again for Hollywood Arts by doing a short acting scene, then juggling, then singing a very fast, short song whilst dancing. She also cheers for Tori at the end after Tori becomes the Hambone Queen. She also explains that you can fake passion through acting, which she demonstrates by kissing him. Ariana Grande dragged 'TikTok girls' who impersonate her by wearing a high ponytail and imitating her character's voice from 'Victorious'. In Jade Gets Crushed, Robbie tries to help Tori prepare for her Tech Theater Test by teaching her how to use tech equipment and practicing with her using cutouts of Cat (which she finds out about by "bouncing" into the room while they are practicing). Cat supports Sikowitz when he is singing "Number One" at Karaoke Dokie. In Tori Fixes Beck and Jade, Robbie brings his sister's butterfly to school, but it ends up flying into and getting stuck inside Cat's ear. Awkwardness abounds as Tori tells Cat the truth about her and Daniel. They then go to Freezy Queen to get ice cream, causing them to arrive late to Tori's show. In #MommaGoomer, Sikowitz let Cat and Sam use his classroom so Goomer's mother could see Goomer "teach". Talking excessively is often seen in the manic phase of bipolar disorder. Copyright 2023 Distractify. Beck is seen protecting Cat from Jade in Crazy Ponnie. Cat Valentine may refer to a role that Ariana Grande portrays in two different TV shows: Cat Valentine ( Victorious), a fictional character on the Nickelodeon television series Victorious. "Yay! Cat's hair is the color of red velvet cupcakes. Beck pauses the movie, and Tori and Robbie chase Cat out. Tori and Cat are best friends, and Cat is the first girl Tori meets at Hollywood Arts. Cat is the only main character to not have any of her family members appear on the show. In The Great Ping Pong Scam, Tori asks Robbie, Andr, and Cat to hang out after school, but they say that they can't because they have ping pong practice. She is Tori's best friend and one of the strangest kids from Hollywood Arts. Ashamed they leave to get waffles. Cat and Robbie are close friends. On the way there, Trina and Cat face many obstacles. After hearing this, Cat starts to cry and signs off. Cat while dressed as Sikowitz in Beck Falls for Tori, Sikowitz is Cat's acting teacher. He keeps her from eating or even going near it, and won't let anyone give her any. It is possible that she is just very random, excitable, and maybe a little insecure, which sometimes comes in handy. Cat: Listen, I am in love with this pink shoe I found, so I have to find the other one. (Sorry if it's cringe or like doesn't make any sense it's my first theory!) When Jade breaks the guitar by accident she feels bad and tries to fix it. Dice Corleone (only in SecretSafe)Peezy B, CatsChildrenBibbleCupcakesNoodlesPotatoesApplesCranberry juiceCrapplesSingingDancingJustin Bieber's hairDollsSpives Suddenly, breaking the fourth wall, a director tells that Leon Thomas is late for a scene. and returning his kiss in One Thousand Berry Balls. Jade Dumps Beck is the first time where Cat is absent. When everyone later defies Jade and lets Tori on, she joins them at Maestro's, saving them all from legal trouble after Robbie overindulges on caviar and makes the bill too costly. The writers tend to portray her as not taking criticism well. [4] Cats like to be entertained and around other cats. Cat Valentine is neurodivergent. Despite this, she has been shown to have some intelligence. In Stage Fighting, a teacher announces that each student in the class will be paired with a partner for a stage fighting project. However, Robbie walks in to cheer Cat up with a song he had been working on and performs his song "I Think You're Swell" to Cat. "[Cat] was a really likable and relatable character that didn't survive solely based off her brother jokes," one reddit user previously remarked. Cat: Yeah, you're not the only one who's thirsty! After Cat finds out that Moose loves hamburgers she tries to impress him by making some. She runs off, humiliated. puppies, People who wear big sunglassesPeople who sip or sigh when drinking. The girls use fiddling knives and the solvent to scrape the mask off Tori's face. Cat convinces Freddie that Sam was in an accident, so he flies to L.A. to see if she's okay and learns that this isn't true. Tori is also the only person (other than Robbie in April Fools Blank) that Cat has punched in the show, and she felt bad about it afterwards. Cat: But babysitting is supposed to make kids happy! She can also be selfish and spoiled. Cat is also shown to be best friends with Jade and Tori. Ariana Grande mentioned in an interview that Cabbie's relationship heats up in future episodes. Cat's catchphrase every time the doorbell rings. Contrariwise, Cat probably tricks the guards into releasing her and probably acts dumb to get away with crimes and other bad things. Jade gets angry at Cat for waking her and starts to attack her. Lane finds out that the harness had been cut, and calls Jade, Andr, Tori, Cat, Robbie, and Rex to his office to try to figure out what really happened. The hanging fixtures on the guitar abruptly, snap after Jade messes with it, breaking the instrument into two pieces and also shattering a window. (See: Cade), "Daniel: Guess who!Cat: Umm.Is it Beck?" On the night of the premiere of Beck's movie, Jade and Tori expect Cat to be herself, but Cat walks in to meet Evan wearing her blonde wig, which Robbie helped her with, and blue contacts. Cat and Tori finally talk, although Tori has to drag her by her foot to the janitor's closet, just to get her to listen. (See: Bat), "I'm calling Cat. We see very little of Cats home life but we know that her brother is quite possibly mentally ill and that her parents arent always as caring as they should be. And according to a post in the Slap her "new favorite food is spaghetti. Jade takes it so far as to actually attack an unknowing Cat in Sikowitz's class. The character's dim-wittedness grew even more irritating on the spin-off Sam & Cat, leading viewers to question the writers' motives. Tori has to be X-rayed, and she and Cat discover that everyone who got their feet "smoothed" are in the hospital, as they've contracted a virus that attacks the nervous system from the fish saliva, which is toxic and full of bacteria. Her absent-minded character can be off-task and distracted, as shown in Wi-Fi in the Sky, where she was playfully pressing buttons to create fun effects on her computer instead of helping with the project. At the end, a question about the states is asked, and it's about the aloha state. They run a babysitting business to raise money for their financial needs. In Tori & Jade's Play Date, Sikowitz asks Cat and Robbie to give his neighbor, Tanner, bad news as sweetly as possible, so they sing the news to him. Cat Valentine teams up with her roommate, Sam Puckett, in #Pilot and becomes a babysitter with her to fund for their crazy adventures. Also, because she and Cat are best friends, Beck's girlfriend, Jade, has never once shown any signs of jealousy when Beck and Cat are shown together (possibly because Jade doesn't think Cat and Beck would ever be a couple and knows Cat wouldn't do anything to hurt her and Beck's relationship). In one video, highlighted on the YouTube channel Jayniac Jr, we see Robbie singing about each character and during his segment about Cat, he reveals that she is bipolar. Cat was portrayed by Ariana Grande, who also voiced Diaspro on Winx Club. JK, Tori." "Animals that live with humans tend to use their baby behaviour towards humans because they find that it works. Cat punches Tori after the latter says, "If I were you, I'd punch me right in the face." Beck and Cat kissed in A Film by Dale Squires for the short film they were making. Furious that Hayley and Tara cheated, Jade makes up a scheme involving Tori. The eccentric character is irritating to some fans, but no one loves her more than Ariana Grande. At the hospital, Jade tells Cat to talk to the receptionist. ", As writer Andrew Unterberger pointed out, "It was one thing to see Cat get occasionally beat up in B plots on Victorious, but to see her take it on the chin from the genuinely mean-spirited Sam in the main plot of nearly every episode got pretty rough.". She plays and beats everyone including Cat (extremely easily in Cat's case), but Jade still tells her that she can't join. In The Worst Couple, Sinjin invites everyone to a rehearsal for his new couples' game show, called "Queries For Couples". Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! It has been stated twice that Cat is bipolar. Cat does have her darker moments, however, being subject to bouts of hypocrisy. Cat was very upset that her Nona was moving to Elderly Acres, but Nona reassured her that she would visit Cat often. But what am I supposed to do? Tori keeps trying to talk to Cat in order to explain why she did what she did and to apologize, although Cat is avoiding her. He enjoys Cat's dessert immensely, despite the fact that he told Tori while they were dating that he didn't like brownies (after she presented him with ones she had made). In a Slap video, Jade is sleeping in Cat's bed, and Cat wakes her up by telling her a joke. Cat and Tori make up, however, and Tori isn't hostile towards Cat for hurting her because she believes that she deserved it. I like Robbie." Kids TV shows are things that will always stick with us after we spent many an hour sat in front of the TV after getting home from school. Cat said "Oh my gosh!" Coco Wexler, DilbenGwen and RubyRival Babysitting ServiceSharon TorsoAlexa BigglyEllieJepsonNora DershlitDel DeVille (formerly) Her feelings can be hurt easily, so Sam and Dice would try to be careful around her. (. Trina in Survival of the Hottest, Trina and Cat never really interacted with each other until "Tori the Zombie", when Cat accidentally applies grizzly glue to Tori's face causing the two of them to drive to the company to buy the solvent for removal. Cat is almost always cheerful, and is rarely in a bad mood. A couple of years ago, a scientific study revealed that felines actually enjoy social interaction, and additional findings have recently . Tori goes to apologize to both Cat and Danny, although Danny's apology gets out of hand as Danny and Tori kiss. Trina even asked for her phone number in Survival of the Hottest to call her when she left to go use the bathroom and hugs her when she gets them out, a hint that she cares for her. (I like it too, but only because it sinks at the end.). She is known as a ditzy, bubbly, cheerful and dimwitted person who rarely gets angry, although she is very sensitive. When Sam travels from Seattle to talk about the web show at Cat's . It's kinda cozy. Like Tori, Trina seems to view Cat as a surrogate little sister. When she saw the red from the blood, she decided she liked the color and decided to dye her hair. Cat then asks Martin and Jesse questions, such as where Martin grew up and what he likes in a girl (specifying hair color and flipping her hair in his direction while asking, "Redheads? "I just wonder whyyyy the Cat voice/dialogue . In Cat's New Boyfriend the episode starts as Daniel and Tori meet again and it is revealed that they used to date a year ago. Cat gives Robbie her chewed bubblegum, which he then puts in his mouth. She is happy-go-lucky, very bubbly, and lost in her own mind at times. Except in The Blonde Squad, where she wore a blond wig along with Tori and Jade. Cat's sweet personality has been displayed often throughout the series. While viewers were starting to get fed up with Cats antics, Ariana expressed overwhelming affection for the role after Sam & Cat failed to receive a second season. In the show, Cat is the same ditzy girl she was in Victorious, and is a roommate to iCarly character Sam Puckett. Tori decides to distract Mr. Dickers so the others can get back to the library. Cat has a snooping problem so she needs to take special vitamins to help her. is jagoff a chicago term,